St. John's Elementary School Nature Center - Darlington, SC
140 Park Street
Darlington, SC 29532
Principal: Jean Taylor
Darlington County, SC - "The Pearl of the Pee Dee"
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This website has been developed by a grant from the South Carolina Forestry Commission's Urban and Community Forestry Program.
Other contributors to the St. John's Nature Center Project include: The City of Darlington, The Works Progress Administration, Pee Dee RC&D, St. John's Elementary School PTO, Southern States of Darlington, and the Darlington Soil and Water Conservation District
Components of this project include:
Trail Development
Amphitheater Pavilion/Stage
Boardwalks & Bridges
Tree Identification
Site Photos:
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Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 Pee Dee Resource Conservation and Development Council.
This page was last updated on November 7, 2002.
Website Development